
Midtown Houston Needs Affordable Green Homes

(image courtsey

A prototype of an affordable, environmentally friendly house is being built in Houston, inspired by noted architectural designer Roger D. Rasbach . Roger dedicated 30 years of his life to identifying and refining this technology, which promises to transform the way we build houses in this country.
Roger designed a 2,100 square-foot house in San Antonio that boasted a $580 annual electric bill.
The house is constructed with a thermal shell of structural insulated panels. This eliminates the need for conventional framing and insulation, that we see so much of here in Midtown. This type of home construction:

* Reduces energy use 50% to 70%, compared to a conventionally constructed house
* Can be assembled more quickly than conventional stick-built houses, reducing construction costs
* Is constructed without the use of wood
* Is virtually termite-proof, fire-proof, and mold-proof
* Does not release chlorofluorocarbons
* Is structurally sound to survive severe storms, hurricanes, and earthquakes
* Can last a century or more with minimal maintenance

Roger’s examples of green home building reveal how simple it is to build attractive, affordable living spaces that meet the needs of modern families while also protecting the environment and saving money. If you want to know where you hands on some of these precious insulated panels or learn more about saving cash and energy in your Midtown Houston home, has lots of ways to get you started.

[Where: 205 Payne St Houston, TX. 77009]

Houston Home and Garden Show-Spring 2008

It’s time once again for everyone’s favorite home show, Yep, the Annual Houston Home and Garden Show-Spring 2008. George R Brown Convention Center is host to the best home show in Texas this weekend.

The three day event brings together under one roof, a variety of Texas businesses that are committed to helping you make your house a place you’re proud to call home. If you’ve never been to one of these home and garden shows here is a short list of what you can expect to see at Houston Home and Garden Show-Spring 2008.

1000s of Ideas, Products, Kitchen, Bath And More!
Plant Sales New Products
Vacation, Leisure & Outdoor Show Home Decor
Featuring 10,000 sq ft of Gardens

This is could be the mother lode for any serious Midtown Houston shoppers looking for great deals on home improvements and special buys for home maintenance products. But before you grab your check book and run down there, remember this advice from home show expert, Jolanta Mazewski-Dryden, on how to prepare for home show bargain hunting.

Make your list
Highlight your priorities
Write it down
Bring your swatches, specs and samples
Pack it up and take it home

Should you need more details, you can see the complete list and learn more about taking advantage of this extreme shoppers delight at the

“Getting Healthy-Getting Healthcare,”

That's the theme of this year's Annual Health & Social Justice
Gathering taking place this weekend at Texas Southern University.

This event is taking a unique approach to get the word out on how to improve your health. Their focus is on encouraging healthy behaviors and sharing information about current healthcare policies in the U.S. that affect your health.

Throughout the day there will be screenings, as well as presentations on healthcare and the obstacles related to obtaining healthcare and achieving good health.

The event also features Carlton’s Closet: A moving play about HIV. It’s presented by Truth Theater Productions. How Cigarette Companies Target Inner City Neighborhoods will be addressed by Dr. Valerie Yerger University of California at San Francisco.

The community gathering will be held east of Midtown Houston, on the TSU campus Saturday, April 5,2008 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Roderick R. Paige Education Building.

[Where:3100 Cleburne Street, Houston, TX 77004 ]

Free Stuff

Sure, I’ve got a tip on where to find the best free stuff. This weekend I’ve located some great resources for Christian businessman who want to take their business to the next level. It comes from TomPeters.Com, his personal stash of slides. They're filled with tips on achieving excellence in the marketplace. Just look for the free stuff link in the right hand column.

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