
Midtown Houston Restuarants

Now that the New Year is here it’s this time of year when we all make resolutions to go on diets, stop smoking, lying cheating, and a host of other things that eventually we forget about after the first month or two.

Personally I have decided to give up the smokes this year. Making the big 50 this year may have something to do with it, but mostly it’s because I enjoyed the first 50 years so much, I want to do everything in my power to get another 50 out of this same set of lungs. Even if my all my hair and teeth don’t make it, I plan to hang on to as much of my original equipment as possible.
What are some of your resolutions that you would like to share with others post them and let us know.

I have almost finished the ultimate Midtown dining guide with current listing for all of the restaurants in the area. Keep your eyes on the place for the unveiling of the 08 dining Guide.

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