
Working in Midtown Houston

A traffic accident sent Joseph Benson’s career as a caterer and chef spiraling into a tailspin, when he could no longer lift heavy pots and pans and reach things on the high shelves, because the accident resulted in the lost of his legs. The first time I heard about Joseph Benson, he was talking about his current career as a counselor at Search in Midtown Houston on Praise 92.1 FM radio.

I stopped by Search ,to talk about Midtown Houston. He began by reminding me that this part of town was considered Third Ward for a long time. He also acknowledged there are positive changes being made in public safety and the appearance of the neighborhood since the community leaders started their Midtown campaign.

Helping the Homeless in Houston

“My job and my calling is this area, most of our clients hangout in this area or come to Midtown to access the various services that are available at Search, Palmer Church and other outreach facilities.”

“My calling is helping the homeless get off the streets of Houston.”

His positive attitude was infectious as he told about helping others.He expressed his belief that the entire city benefits when the homeless are given a hand-up and not just a hand-out.

He should know better than anyone else, because Joseph doesn't just work at Search, he was one of their homeless clients too.

Oh yeah I almost Forgot it's Free Stuff Friday
I ordered the Free Bari And Gail Chocolate Sample but there were dog treats,pocket calendars and other goodies. Here some Free Stuff for you

[Where: 2505 Fannin St Houston, TX 77002]

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