
Can You Save Money In Houston With

high gas prices

Can you really lock in the price of gasoline at the low cost of $2.49 and save money in the process? Maybe you have heard the announcements that are flooding the airwaves in Houston and several other cities or saw the Fox 26 News report about Well, I'm sure you're wondering too, if they can deliver on such a bold promise.

There’s an old adage that says “if it sounds too good to be true, it's probably not true”, well remember that when you hear any claims about gas and deals in the same sentence.

The Tucson, Arizona area is getting a lot of airplay from commercials claiming they can save money on gas too. The Better Business Bureau of Southern Arizona is already hot on the company's trail and issued this statement to their local newspaper, the Arizona Daily Star

“We are not saying that is a scam, but we would urge consumers to use extreme caution,”.

After trolling through tons of websites I can't help but notice that most of the positive comments are from people that have registered on social networking sites in the last month or two. There are a few not so flattering comments about that you may want to read too.

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